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New York Times TechJun 07, 2016
Bits Special Section: The Challenges of Closing the Digital Divide
Mignon Clyburn, an F.C.C. commissioner, discusses the agency''s efforts to bring broadband to low-income individuals and rural areas.

Check your BITS, because deleting malware might not be enough (ComputerWorld)

ComputerWorldJun 07, 2016
Forget the Samsung Galaxy S7 -- you'll want a Galaxy X, in 2017 [updated]
The Samsung Galaxy X range will have foldable screens, with release date early next year. Deep-throat rumor-mongers say there''ll be two models, different from the upcoming Galaxy S8 range.

[Developing story: Updated 7:26 am PT with more comment]

So forget today''s ho-hum, derivative, Samsung Galaxy S7. Finally, we''re going to see major change in smartphone form-factors. In IT Blogwatch, bloggers compare and contrast.

Your humble blogwatcher curated these bloggy bits for your entertainment. Not to mention: Cat-faced humidifier…

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