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New York Times Politics
Nov 14, 2018

CNN Sues Trump Administration for Barring Jim Acosta From White House
The network, citing violations of the First and Fifth Amendments, asked a federal court to reinstate his press credentials, which were revoked after an exchange with President Trump last week.

New York Times Politics
Nov 14, 2018

Books News: Michelle Obama's ‘Becoming' Finally Hits Shelves
The first lady's memoir arrives just ahead of her multicity arena tour.

New York Times Politics
Nov 14, 2018

U.S. Military's Global Edge Has Diminished, Strategy Review Finds
Strained forces, budget shortfalls and political dysfunction have cast doubt on the Pentagon's shift in focus from terrorism to global powers — and President Trump's support for a strong military.

New York Times Politics
Nov 14, 2018

Republicans Lose Another California House Seat
Representative Jeff Denham lost his bid for re-election after four terms, falling to Josh Harder, a Democrat, in a district that encompasses a swath of farmland in Central California.

New York Times Politics
Nov 14, 2018

Conservative Lawyers Say Trump Has Undermined the Rule of Law
On the eve of the Federalist Society's annual convention, leading conservative lawyers criticized Trump's attacks on the justice system and the news media.

New York Times Politics
Nov 14, 2018

Voters Widely Support Public Schools. So Why Is It So Hard to Pay for Them?
A wave of teacher walkouts helped candidates ride to victory. But when it came to raising state taxes, voters in red and purple states rebelled.

New York Times Politics
Nov 14, 2018

When Hospitals Merge to Save Money, Patients Often Pay More
Rapid consolidation has created powerful groups of hospitals, with organizations dictating prices and fueling health spending in some areas of the country.

New York Times Politics
Nov 14, 2018

Meet the Native American Woman Who Beat the Sponsor of North Dakota's ID Law
On an otherwise bleak night for North Dakota Democrats, a Native American woman unseated the architect of the very law tribes had feared would disenfranchise them.

New York Times Politics
Nov 14, 2018

On Politics: Democrats Continue to Gain as More Midterm Races Are Finalized
The Democratic wave is looking stronger a week after the election, with the party continuing to pick up seats in the House as well as one in the Senate.

New York Times Politics
Nov 14, 2018

Arizona Election Results: 6 Key Takeaways on Sinema Victory
With Republican politics in Arizona looking less like the brand practiced by moderate senators like John McCain and Jeff Flake, many centrist G.O.P. voters there are politically homeless.

New York Times Politics
Nov 13, 2018

Melania Trump Says an Aide ‘No Longer Deserves the Honor of Serving in This White House'
There were conflicting reports on Tuesday on whether Mira Ricardel, a deputy national security adviser, had been fired.

New York Times Politics
Nov 13, 2018

Trump Nominates Retired General as Ambassador to Saudi Arabia
The selection of Gen. John P. Abizaid will finally give the president a representative of his own in Saudi Arabia at a time when the relationship with Washington has grown strained.

New York Times Politics
Nov 13, 2018

A Week After the Election, Democratic Gains Grow Stronger
What seemed like a mixed result for Republicans has turned more grim as Democrats continue to pick up seats in the House and statewide gains come into focus.

New York Times Politics
Nov 13, 2018

A Week After the Midterms, Trump Seems to Forget the Caravan
Historians said there were few comparable instances of a commander in chief warning about a looming threat, only to drop it as soon as people voted.

New York Times Politics
Nov 13, 2018

What's an Election Loss When He's ‘My Kevin'? McCarthy Appears Set to Lead House G.O.P.
Kevin McCarthy, the No. 2 Republican in the House, looks to be on the verge of rising to No. 1, despite his party's drubbing last week that keeps the speakership from his grasp.

New York Times Politics
Nov 13, 2018

A Left-Flank Protest on Day 1 Signals a Democratic House Divided
Representative-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez joined activists in a protest in Representative Nancy Pelosi's office, putting leaders on notice that the new House may be divided.

New York Times Politics
Nov 13, 2018

Ocasio-Cortez Joins Protesters at Pelosi's Office
Representative-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Democrat of New York, participated in a demonstration with climate change activists at the office of House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi.

New York Times Politics
Nov 13, 2018

Trump's Trade War Prompts Fight Among Top Economic Advisers
The public and private feuding over how to resolve America's trade disputes comes as the president prepares to meet with China's president and as the White House considers tariffs on cars.

New York Times Politics
Nov 13, 2018

On Politics With Lisa Lerer: Is Arizona the Next Big Democratic Target?
In the On Politics newsletter, a Democratic strategist says it might be time for the party to jettison Iowa and Ohio and focus on the Sun Belt — Arizona, Texas and Georgia.

New York Times Politics
Nov 13, 2018

John Marttila, Strategist Who Helped Biden and Kerry, Dies at 78
A refugee from Republican politics in Detroit, he plotted the campaigns of progressive Democrats, black mayors and anti-Vietnam War candidates.

New York Times Politics
Apr 24, 2018

For Macron, a Warm Embrace Before Trump Assails the Iran Nuclear Deal
President Trump welcomed President Emmanuel Macron of France to the White House on Tuesday for the first state visit since taking office.

New York Times Politics
Apr 24, 2018

Trump's First State Dinner: Details (and Some Guesses)
Most elements of the state visit, largely planned by the East Wing, are meant to symbolically honor the relationship between the United States and France.

New York Times Politics
Apr 24, 2018

Ronny Jackson, Trump's V.A. Nominee, Faces Claims of Overprescription and Hostile Work Environment
The Senate Veterans Affairs Committee is examining multiple claims against President Trump's nominee to head the Veterans Affairs Department.

New York Times Politics
Apr 24, 2018

Books News: Sales Figures for Comey's ‘A Higher Loyalty' Dwarf Recent Political Best Sellers
Amazon limited reviews of the book to readers who have purchased it on its site.

New York Times Politics
Apr 24, 2018

Romney Failed to Win at Utah Convention, but Few Believe He's Doomed
The 2012 G.O.P. presidential nominee, running for an open Senate seat, faced conservatives who disliked his ideological swerving, and a fear among hard-right activists that they were losing power.

New York Times Politics
Apr 24, 2018

Trump Voters Driven by Fear of Losing Status, Not Economic Anxiety, Study Finds
A new study suggests that the white, Christian and male voters who supported Donald J. Trump were driven by concerns over losing their privilege.

New York Times Politics
Apr 24, 2018

Fear and Hope in South Korea on Eve of Summit With Kim Jong-un
South Koreans still don't know what to make of Kim Jong-un as the North Korean leader prepares to meet with the South's president, Moon Jae-in.

New York Times Politics
Apr 24, 2018

Emmanuel Macron to Press Trump to Keep Iran Nuclear Deal
As he arrives for the first state visit of Mr. Trump's administration, Mr. Macron, the French president, hopes to persuade the American leader not to scrap the agreement with Tehran.

New York Times Politics
Apr 23, 2018

Deported to Libya, Ex-Gitmo Detainees Vanish. Will Others Meet a Similar Fate?
Senegal deported two former Guantánamo detainees to Libya, raising fears of a broader collapse of Obama-era resettlement deals under President Trump.

New York Times Politics
Apr 23, 2018

After Late Vote Switch, Senate Panel Approves Pompeo for Secretary of State
Minutes before a committee vote, Senator Rand Paul, Republican of Kentucky, bowed to pressure and backed the confirmation of Mike Pompeo to be secretary of state.

New York Times Politics
Apr 23, 2018

Arizona Special Election: Does the Democrat Have a Chance?
A special election in Arizona was spurred by a sex scandal, and polls show that this Republican stronghold has a chance at being won by a Democrat.

New York Times Politics
Apr 23, 2018

George Bush Is Hospitalized One Day After Wife's Funeral
Mr. Bush was "responding to treatments and appears to be recovering," his spokesman said.

New York Times Politics
Apr 23, 2018

Trump Administration Pushes Abstinence in Teen Pregnancy Programs
New rules don't explicitly exclude teaching about contraception and protected sex, but favor "sexual risk avoidance" and don't require as rigorous evidence of efficacy.

New York Times Politics
Apr 23, 2018

The Fight for Wisconsin Is On as Outside Money Pours Into Senate Race
National Democrats were shocked in 2016 when a Republican presidential nominee carried Wisconsin for the first time since 1984. Now both parties see a key Senate race as a crucial test before 2020.

New York Times Politics
Apr 23, 2018

Trumps Throw Out Tradition for Their First State Dinner
As Melania Trump oversees preparations to welcome President Emmanuel Macron of France, her advice to her staff before the high-profile event is not to worry.

New York Times Politics
Apr 23, 2018

Cuomo Announces Bill to Ban Plastic Bags in New York State
The proposal comes a year after Gov. Andrew Cuomo blocked a 5-cent city surcharge on the bags and as he has tacked left since Cynthia Nixon began a primary challenge.

New York Times Politics
Apr 23, 2018

Rod Rosenstein Makes a Timely Supreme Court Appearance
After an argument on the independence of executive branch officials, Mr. Rosenstein made his Supreme Court debut in a separate sentencing case.

New York Times Politics
Apr 23, 2018

The Interpreter: An Unpredictable Trump and a Risk-Prone Kim Mean High Stakes and Mismatched Expectations
The meeting of the two leaders exemplifies a world less constrained by the guardrails of international norms, in which virtually anything can happen.

New York Times Politics
Apr 23, 2018

The Healing Edge: ‘Whole Again': A Vet Maimed by an I.E.D. Receives a Transplanted Penis
A young soldier whose genitals were destroyed underwent extensive reconstructive surgery that doctors hope to offer to others who were wounded at war.

New York Times Politics
Feb 27, 2018

No Bail Hearings for Detained Immigrants, Justices Rule
In a rare move, Justice Stephen G. Breyer dissented from the bench, saying the majority was violating fundamental constitutional principles.

New York Times Politics
Feb 27, 2018

Trump Opens Door, Just Slightly, to Talking With North Korea
"We want to talk also," the president said. But hours later, the top U.S. diplomat on North Korea abruptly announced his departure.

New York Times Politics
Feb 27, 2018

Nonfiction: A Different Perspective on the Border
In his memoir, "The Line Becomes a River," Francisco Cantú argues that he needed to be a Border Patrol agent to understand immigration.

New York Times Politics
Feb 27, 2018

Trump Losing College-Educated Whites? He Never Won Them in the First Place
New evidence that exit polls are a very flawed vehicle for doing post-election analysis.

New York Times Politics
Feb 26, 2018

Stacey Dash, Actress From ‘Clueless,' Is Running for Congress in California
In Federal Election Commission filings on Monday, Ms. Dash, a Republican, declared her House candidacy in a heavily Democratic district.

New York Times Politics
Feb 26, 2018

Trump Says He Would Have Rushed in Unarmed to Stop School Shooting
President Trump said the United States needs to consider opening more mental health institutions to avert mass shootings, and he castigated the Florida police response.

New York Times Politics
Feb 26, 2018

Georgia Republicans Vow to Kill Airline Tax-Cut Bill After Delta Ends N.R.A. Discount
A proposed $50 million tax break on jet fuel which would primarily benefit Delta is in jeopardy after the airline eliminated a discount for the N.R.A.

New York Times Politics
Feb 26, 2018

Melania Trump Parts Ways With Adviser Amid Backlash Over Inaugural Contract
The Trumps were upset when they learned that an adviser to the first lady had won a $26 million contract to help plan the president's inauguration.

New York Times Politics
Feb 26, 2018

Labor Board's Do-Over Leaves an Obama-Era Rule Intact
Citing a member's conflict in an earlier vote, the panel restored a standard making it easier to hold a company to account for franchisees' practices.

New York Times Politics
Feb 26, 2018

Mississippi Firebrand Appears Set to Challenge Republican Senator From Right
State Senator Chris McDaniel, who nearly unseated Senator Thad Cochran in 2014, appears to have his sights on Senator Roger Wicker in 2018.

New York Times Politics
Feb 26, 2018

Supreme Court Turns Down Trump's Appeal in ‘Dreamers' Case
In an unusual move, the Trump administration asked the Supreme Court to hear the case before an appeals court had ruled.

New York Times Politics
Feb 26, 2018

Melania Trump Offers Support for Student Protesters After Florida Shooting
"I have been heartened to see children across this country using their voices," Mrs. Trump said of the students, many of whom have pushed for gun measures her husband has resisted.

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